Everything begins and grows together at the vineyard. Each grape matures with the speed of the rain, the sound of the wind, the warmth of the sun and the frost of the night. When you smell, and taste the grape, it will whisper its secret into your ear creating the sense that it is waiting for the harvest, the most exciting part of the year. Our harvest begins under the moonlight, before the sun removes the dew drops from the grapes...

The Lucien Arkas Vineyards, the largest organic vineyard in Turkey on a single lot has been established on a land of 288,62 acres in Torbali, Izmir, and produces world-class wines using state-of-the-art equipment in its winery with an indoor area of 2500 square meters. The annual processed grape quantity is 1.2 million kg, and the total production capacity is 1.5 million bottles. Chateau-style production is carried out within the plant built in the vineyard, and the suitability of the new grape species to terroir which are considered to be cultivated are controlled via micro-vinification technique.


The Cellar home to wines resting within oak barrels takes place among the world's top 66 wine cellars in the book “Sommeliers Heaven- The Greatest Wine Cellars of the World” written by Italian nationality Paolo Basso, who has the title of best sommelier in the world.