Very deep brown loamy to clayey loam soils, with a high amount of artifacts fragments, with common and cobble fragments, mostly of anthropological origin, very calcareous, subalkaline, well drained, moderately low permeability, high AWC (277 mm).
Deep reddish brown soils, from clayey loam to sandy clayey loam (clayey loam in the first meter), few fine to medium gravel fragments, in some places common at greater depth, slightly calcareous on the surface, from moderately to very calcareous in depth; subalkaline, well drained, moderately low permeability, high AWC (223 - 256 mm), slight problems caused by soil texture.
Variant of soils 2, with a slightly higher clay content and calcium carbonate concretions between 75 and 100 cm: deep reddish brown soils and brown soils, clayey loam or clayey, no fragments or few fine to medium gravel fragments, from slightly calcareous on the surface to very or strongly calcareous at greater depth; subalkaline, well drained, low permeability, from moderate to high AWC (205 - 236 mm), moderate problems caused by soil texture, by permeability and by the layers/horizons with calcium carbonate concretions.
Variant of soil 2, with a slightly higher clay content: deep reddish- brown soils, from clayey loam to sandy clayey loam, few to common fine and medium gravel fragments, slightly to moderately calcareous; neutral in the surface layer and subalkaline in the deeper layers, well drained, low permeability, high AWC (249 - 257 mm), slight problems caused by soil texture and by permeability, slight limitations to practicability in case of wet soil. Risk of stagnation on the soil surface.
Very deep brown soils, clayey loam to sandy clay in the first meter, loamy or sandy clayey loam below, with no fragments to few fine and medium gravel fragments, slightly calcareous in surface and moderately calcareous in depth; neutral in superficial layers and subalkaline in subsoil, mediocre drainage, moderately low permeability, very high AWC (326 mm), slight limitations caused by mediocre drainage.
Moderately deep brown soils, clayey loam to sandy clay in the first meter, loam or sandy clayey loam below this, with common to abundant fine to coarse gravel fragments, slightly calcareous in surface layer and from very to strongly calcareous in the lower horizons; neutral in superficial layers and subalkaline in subsoil, well drained, moderately high permeability, moderate AWC (215 mm), with slight limitations caused by calcic horizons with concretions from 85 cm.
Very deep blackish brown soils, clay or clayey loam, no fragments to few fine and medium gravel fragments, from slightly calcareous in surface to very or extremely calcareous in depth; neutral in superficial layers and subalkaline in subsoil, drainage from good to mediocre, moderately low or low permeability, moderately high to high AWC (209 - 276 mm), with severe limitations to root growth caused by calcic horizons starting between 50 and 70 cm, and moderate limitations connected to thin vertic epipedons and to permeability, some limitations to practicability in case of wet soil. Risk of stagnation on the soil surface.
Variant with higher depth of calcic horizons of soils 7: very deep brown to blackish brown soils, clayey loam to clay, with no rock fragments to few fine and medium gravel fragments, slightly calcareous on the surface to strongly calcareous in depth, from neutral to subalkaline in surface, subalkaline in depth, well drained, low permeability, high AWC (234 - 258 mm) with slight limitations connected to calcic horizons with concretions between 65 - 100 cm, slight limitations to practicability in case of wet soil. Risk of stagnation on the soil surface.
Less clay variant in the middle and deeper horizons of soils 7, with a very hydromorph sandy subsoil below one meter: from deep to very deep grayish brown soils, clayey loam and with subsoil from loamy sand to sandy clayey loam, with few fine and medium gravel fragments, from slightly to very calcareous on the surface, and very calcareous in depth; neutral or subalkaline in surface and subalkaline in depth, well drained, low permeability, high AWC (214 - 293 mm), with severe to moderate limitations to root growth caused by calcic horizons which starts between 30 and 70 cm, and moderate limitations connected to thin vertic epipedons, to permeability and to mediocre drainage, slight limitation to practicability in case of wet soil. Risk of stagnation on the soil surface.
Very deep yellowish brown soils, loamy in superficial layers and clayey loam at greater depth, subsoil sandy loam with high gravel content, with few fine and medium gravel fragments, abundant fragments in subsoil, slightly calcareous on the surface and from very to extremely calcareous in subsoil; neutral in surface and subalkaline in depth, well drained, moderately low permeability, high AWC (277 mm), with severe limitations to root growth caused by calcic horizons which start between 40 and 50 cm.
Very deep blackish brown soils, clayey loam or clay, no rock fragments or few fine and medium gravel fragments, slightly calcareous on the surface and very calcareous in depth; neutral in surface and subalkaline in depth, mediocre drainage, low permeability, high AWC (212 mm), with severe problems caused by soil texture and very extensive vertic characteristics, slight limitation of root growth at moderate depth connected to calcic horizons starting at 75 cm, severe limitations to practicability in case of wet soil. High risk of stagnation on the soil surface.
Moderately deep brown sandy clayey loam soils, with few to frequent fine and medium gravel fragments in the first meter, no fragments below, moderately calcareous on the surface and strongly calcareous in depth, subalkaline, mediocre drainage, moderately high permeability, high AWC (282 mm), with moderate limitations connected to mediocre drainage caused by the rise of the groundwater table and severe limitations caused by calcic horizons starting at 40 cm.
Moderately deep brown or yellowish brown soils, clayey loam to clay texture, with deeper horizons varying between clayey loam to sandy loam, with none or few fine and medium gravel fragments, very calcareous, subalkaline, mediocre drainage, low permeability, moderate AWC (215 mm), moderate limitations connected to the mediocre drainage and to calcic horizons starting at 40 - 50 cm, moderate limitations to practicability in case of wet soil. Risk of stagnation on the soil surface.